• IndependenceExerciseChairNeighbor

  • Clearwater, FL

<strong>Our mission is to help people maintain their independence!</strong>

<strong>The Independence Chair is <strong>NOT</strong> a lift chair but an exercise chair that will help you increase strength and keep your independence.</strong>

<strong>The Independence Chair works on assistance and your own body weight. You adjust the setting to your weight and receive a level of assistance with the chair every time you sit and stand. As you exercise using the Independence Chair, you will strengthen the upper and lower body and be able to lower the level of assistance set. With regular use, you will able to sit and stand on your own using your own muscles and relying on no one but yourself!</strong>

<strong>Endorphin Corporation has been a manufacturer of rehabilitation and fitness products for over 20 years and provides high quality, competitively priced products that are the mainstay for hospitals, rehabilitation and long term care facilities. Our products are especially designed to meet the special, adapted needs of users with physical limitations, physical disabilities or mobility impairments.  The primary applications are to strengthen the muscles utilized, to provide aerobic exercise for the user, and improve balance and stabilization.</strong>

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